When You See These Photos You’ll Want to Live in an Igloo Too

By Richard K. Noots

What follows are a collection of crazy-looking igloos that can be seen around the world. Some are actually used for living, others for entertainment. Of course, most of us never even think about igloos ever in our life, so it’s pretty cool seeing artists and others add their own touch to a very old style of construction. Can you believe there was a time (and still kind of is) where people built these out of necessity?

Almost looks like models.
almost models

Castle Greyskull
castle greyskull

Food-Colored Igloo!
Colored igloo


Nice place for a dinner party.
Dinner party

Geo-Dome …Loo?
Geo Domeloo

So many refrigerators!

Looks like a good place to party.
Seems like a good place to party.

Snowmen Alley
snowmen alley