When This Man Heard the News About Nepal, He Became a Mouthpiece For a Bleeding Nation

By Jack Day

Upon hearing the news on April 25, 2015 that a 7.8 magnitude earthquake had devastated the country of Nepal, Levon James Budding felt it his duty to return to the place he once called home. Budding immediately left his residence in Las Vegas, NV and began documenting the whole trip to serve as his own correspondent on the scene. He has joined many others in volunteering their time and abilities towards relief efforts throughout the affected areas.

While not a surgeon like volunteer Fahim Rahim, MD FASN, Levon plans to help in any way he can. Using his Twitter account as a journal to voice the extent of damage, Budding hopes the awareness he is raising will also raise a little money. The pair want to reach $1 Million, and with some encouragement, get the federal government to match the amount.  In reality the dollar amount needed to tackle a tragedy that has already seen over 7,000 dead and 14,000 injured will probably need at least three commas in the total.

Due to the remoteness of the villages and lack of drivable land, volunteers and rescue workers are facing a monumental task.  Nonetheless, these heroic women and men deserve our admiration, as well as donations! You can help out at the Crowdrise page under “#MillionDollarChallenge for Nepal Earthquake” and truly make a difference no matter how big or small your charity might be.

What are your thoughts about this utterly tragic earthquake?  Please share and don’t forget to follow the former nightclub worker turned photojournalist Levon Budding as he continues to track the situation.