Want to Make an Ad that Attracts More Attention than Kim K’s Behind? 4 Things You Need to Make it Happen

Image by: Patrice Raunet
By: George Lamb

Kim Kardashian’s voluptuous backside may present itself as heavy competition when making the attempt to create a compelling advertisement. That is one fact that cannot be ignored, but before you consider getting ass injections to uphold your end of the spectrum, how about you just invest your time and money into creating a sensational ad that puts her butt to shame?

Yea, i know that’s easier  said than done, as creating something worthy enough for somebody to invest a portion of their money and time in can certainly be an overwhelming task. But do keep in mind, that the businesses that are flourishing right now are most likely experts and making great ads. An ad is essentially the face of your company–the billboard or eye catcher that attracts the people who contribute to your success. And just as people would rather invest their time and money into a pretty face, the same exact concept goes for an advertisement.  So here are 4 crucial steps that need to be taken in order to build a great ad.

#1) Show the Price

You may feel as if the price tag on your item is a bit scary in comparison to what the competition has to offer, but that doesn’t mean you should hide the price tag away from the eyes of the public. There are studies that show readers of ads don’t trust the ones that don’t include a full price. A product that is expensive and is proud of the fact will receive a lot more credibility than one with an equal price that is concealed.

Customers often judge the quality of an item by how much it costs, and if your ad boasts a lurid, compelling display coupled with that steep price tag, the mixture that will be birthed might captivate the customer into a purchase. We have been fed from birth that the more expensive an item is the greater the quality, while certainly not always the case, a persons general instinct will veer in that direction, and if you reel them in with that fact already in mind, they will be be more likely to purchase a product without being bombarded with ridiculous high hidden fees.

Also, another benefit with including the price is the fact that you will help screen the type of customer you’re aiming to attract, and thus won’t waste time or energy working with people who don’t have the cash to even consider your product.

#2) Contrast

Contrast within your advertisement goes a long way with helping the contents of your ad jump out of the computer screen or billboard and really demand their attention. Huge images and bold headlines contrasted by white space can help you get the 3D effect that allures the potential customer into sacrificing an extra glance or two. Humans are very visual creatures, and when creating your ad its not only important to keep this in mind, but to use this to your advantage, as ads with prominent photos generate much higher readership than those that don’t.

#3) Logo

graphic designer would be able to aid you in the construction of your ad, as they will be able to express the the inner workings of the concept of your business and really expand on manifesting it to the masses. This is important because when creating an ad it must be unique and capable of distinguishing the identity and personality of your company from the competitors.

professional, credible designer might cause you to fork out a pretty penny, but the end result will be well worth it, as the customers will often times be able to discern an ad that was made by an inexperienced entrepreneur from a pro’s works. The difference, you will find, will be dramatic enough to perhaps even infatuate yourself into splurging on your own product. If that is the case, feel free to tip the guy who made it.

#4) Headline

It is important to keep in mind that the headline of your article is perhaps just as, if not more important than the logo you decide on. Most likely, the reader would have already seen your logo, and if it is as good as you are aspiring for it to be then they will likely further investigate your ad. After the logo comes the headline, and it goes without saying that if your headline is bland, then that would have spoiled the experience for them enough to click on the ad with the witty statement on the other side of the screen.

The fact is, if a customer isn’t already cognizant of your company or product, then they essentially won’t care about your business. Why should they, after all? This is why it is important to make them care by utilizing the power of words to program their brain into developing the need to scrutinize your offer. It sounds tough, but feedback from colleagues, outside influences, or even family will likely steer you in the right direction of producing a quality headline.

Have you got the secret to an add that would attract more glances than Kim Kardashians ass? Well, don’t be stingy my good friend, feel free to share the knowledge in the comments section below!