This War Veteran Gets an Emotional Flashback After Being Reunited With the Love Letter He Wrote 70 Years Ago

By Anne Cacherell

World War II veteran Bill Moore from Aurora, Colorado was reunited to the love letter he wrote to his late wife, Bernadean Gibson, before they were married 70 years ago.

A woman found a heartfelt note dated December 29, 1944 inside a record sleeve she bought from a thrift shop in Denver and gave it back to its rightful author.

The 90-year old veteran is now living in an assisted-care facility. His wife passed away in 2010 after 63 years of happy marriage.

Watch this tear-jerking moment as Bill Moore takes a flashback by reading his handwritten message he penned when he was 20 years old.

True love stands the test of time. When was the last time you wrote or received a handwritten love letter? It would be sweet if you try to make one for your loved one some time. Please leave us your comments.