A Man’s Star Wars Inspired Design is Meant to Help a Little Boy

By Jack Day

It is not everyday that you receive a bad ass Clone Trooper prosthetic arm. Then again not everyone is 7 year old Liam Porter. He was born with the lower half of his arm missing and as a present 3D Printer owner John Peterson designed this replica arm to make him the coolest kid in his school. Along with the arm, Liam was inducted into the Imperial Clone Trooper 501st division by members of the cosplay group who showed up to help commemorate the event. This is one birthday party that Liam is sure to remember, way to go Star Wars fans!

What did you think of the Clone Trooper arm? It’s pretty cool how Peterson was able to replicate the design and even make it functional. Have you ever volunteered your creative services to brighten someones life? Please share your stories and thoughts!