This Man Wants Your Help In Building a Bigger, Better Rain Forest For the Future

By Jack Day

I’m sure by now you know how important rain forests are to the survival of human life on this planet. And I’m sure you also know about how the destruction of rain forests is a terrible, horrible thing that continues to this day. But did you know there is a man who actually grew his own rain forest, complete with wildlife, birds, reptiles, insects, and more? It’s called Reserva Ecológico de Guapiaçu or REGUA, and is located just a few hours from Rio de Janerio, Brazil.

Nicholas Locke decided one day about 8 years ago that his family’s land would serve a better purpose if it was a habitat instead of just grassland. So in a few easy steps he shows you in the video exactly how he accomplished that.

I must say, I was quite impressed with how Locke pulled off this amazing feat. He is an inspiration for those in the conservation movement, as well as all humans thanks to his efforts. What do you think about his Garden of Eden? Do you think others could use his plans as blueprints for creating more environments like this around the globe? Please leave your comments and share this awesome story with your friends and family.