This is By Far The Most Unique Steel Artwork You’ll ever See

By Richard K. Noots

Tobbe Malm is a blacksmith with a penchant for giving steel bolts more emotional depth than politicians. I have to say, I’ve yet to see any art this abstract with the medium used to convey the message. Tobbe does a great job with making you understand exactly what he was doing, and all he did it with was pre-designed pieces of metal and bending. He’s got talent, that’s for sure. Don’t take my word though, look below!

12 Years a Bolt
12 years a bolt

They all look sad.
all these bolts look sad

Don’t cry!
don't cry

Hello, Neo.
hello neo
Hobo Bolt
hobo bolt

How’d he get up there?
howd he get up there

Now, move!
now move