This House Is the Towering Result of Classic Man Vs. Nature Struggle

By Jack Day

Remember when you were a kid building a sand castle on the beach and every so often the tide would roll in and destroy your hard work? Well if you were as vigilant as the owner of this famous “Dr. Seuss” house located between Willow and Talkeetna Alaska, then you may have won that battle. This particular game of tit for tat played out in the Alaskan wild. When a forest fire ravaged the surrounding area the owner decided to build an extra story onto his home to better enjoy the view of Mount McKinley and Denali National Park. As the forest recovered the view became obscured. So the house got higher. The classic man vs. nature struggle ensued, until the home reached it’s current 12 floor tower status.

The original owner has been gone for over a decade, but with new people moving in I am pretty excited to see what crazy renovations they plan on adding to this extremely unique home. Check out the handiwork of a man determined to enjoy his view of the beautiful land around him.

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Would you ever be this determined to hang on to something? Seems crazy, but damned determined! I love it! What did you think of this story? Please tell us your thoughts and comments!