This Harvard Psychologist Introduces a New Formula For Success & Happiness

By Anne Cacherell

Absence of tears doesn’t mean happiness. Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage , founder of the Institute of Positive Research and Good Think Inc., and winner of over a dozen teaching awards at Harvard University, shares the new formula of happiness.

In this 12-minute video, Achor talks about the principle that in order to create positive transformation and achieve success, one has to learn to shape the reality and change his perception of the world. This means that by raising your level of positivity, you can optimize reality.

Learn the new formula of happiness by watching this clip. This speech, The Happy Secret to Better Work, is one of the 20-most viewed TED talks.

After watching this clip, did you have a better understanding of happiness? How do you intend to become a part of this happiness revolution? Share with us your thoughts.