One Man’s Love For His Best Friend is Shown Here

By Richard K. Noots

At the beginning of this year, Kevin Smith’s dog died. You may or may not know who that is, but what we have hear is an emotional tale of a boy who loved his dog. If you’ve ever had a pet you held near and dear to your heart, this pictures and his words will ring home for you too.

“They never tell you when you get a dog, but there is a price to pay for being the recipient of 17 years of unconditional love, loyalty and companionship: they take a huge chunk of your heart with them when they go. I’m reminded of a line from DOCTOR WHO, Series 2 – the ‘School Reunion’ episode (which featured the return of Sara Jane Smith and the robot dog K-9, ironically enough): ‘You can spend the rest of your life with me… but I can’t spend the rest of my life with you.’ And later, when Rose asks Sara Jane if she should go with the Doctor, Sara Jane responds ‘Some things are worth getting your heart broken for.’ Mulder was beyond worth it. Fuck, this hurts…”

Dogs are pretty special in our lives.
dogs are special

Even with a family of your own …
Family man

Pets still play a special role.
kevin smith dog

These two were loyal to each other, through and through.
loyal friend carried

He will be missed by all of them, I’m sure.
The family