One Dedicated Man is Making Sure These Medals Go Where They Belong

By Richard K. Noots

Zachariah Fike, a Captain in the National Guard, has made it his mission to see that military folk receive their dues. How exactly? Well, it turns out many Purple Heart medals (award given for injury in line of service) have been lost, stolen or misplaced somehow in the day-to-day aspects of many lives. Zach makes sure that the ones located go exactly where they belong!

Like this man, for instance.
for honors won
He earned his in the Battle of the Bulge.

So, it’s time to give back!
to good for purp
Sometimes these medals are found at Pawn Shops.

They sell on Ebay for over $300.
1 purp hurt

Hopefully, more people will follow Zach’s idea.
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