Making Advertising Work For You: 4 Ways to Get More Customers For Free

money carImage by: By Birdiebob
By Richard K. Noots

Marketing ain’t easy. Otherwise, everyone would have their own business. And frankly, that just isn’t how economics work. So instead, you stand (relatively) alone in a sea of people who’d rather take orders. Your task isn’t easy, but it’s one you accept with the promise of bigger and better things. That’s why I’m sure you already know just how important advertising is. I’m sure you’ve already taken advantage of numerous ways of getting your business name out there.

However, maybe there’s something you missed. Don’t worry, everything below is free for you to do. All you’ve got to do is put in the time. Once you do that, any customer that advertisement brings is essentially free money. So take a look! Perhaps there is something more you could be doing to put your business on the map.


#1) Learn How to Use Google

OK, I know it will pain you to do this, but make a Google+ account. You’ll want to make it nice, pretty and pertinent to your business message. Google+ is definitely a social media item that is here to stay. You’ll also want to take the time to claim, verify and update your business on Google’s local listings. This will connect directly to your new account, and give you a new medium of approach. Plus, most people use Google for everything, so this will definitely get you a few hits if you haven’t done it yet.

#2) Other Local Listings

You’ll also want to do the same thing with Bing and Yahoo. You’ve got to put yourself on the map with every medium people use to get their information. It’s important to understand how HTML Tags work as well, which you can find out more about at this site. Essentially, it’s like those things people use on Twitter.

It’s also not a bad idea to create a blog to drum up Word-of-Mouth for your business. Blogger and WordPress both offer free options for simple blog set ups that you can write for. It’s also not a bad idea to write articles for other sites in reference to whatever your product happens to be. Wikihow and both will let you make an article on their site, as long as it’s relevant.

#3) Get Involved

It’s important to take your business personally. If your product is relatively new, or there is buzz related to whatever it is you’re offering, get involved in the internet community! If you notice on a website that people are discussing in the comments something related to your business, let them know! I’m not talking about spamming comments either. I mean well-thought out responses aimed at helping people (AKA Your customers).

This is how many small businesses start out on their path to becoming profit-monsters. Going the extra mile is what keeps you a mile ahead of the competition.

#4) Other Things To Be Aware Of

We here at Danjur have already talked about Twitter and Facebook being helpful for advertising (Let us know if you want more articles like that!). There’s more than that, though. Pinterest, Tumblr, Flickr, and anything else that has people on it should also have your business mentioned somewhere people can easily find. They key word is Engage. You must interact with your customers and give them reasons to come and explore your site.

You’ll also want to use Google Analytic software to get an overview of your website’s traffic if you don’t already have tracking software. This will be your bible. You must study the information, and make changes accordingly. Learn what people click on and what they ignore. Make changes as such. In today’s internet economy, clicks are money. That’s why articles on websites are based on page format now, and why advertisements are designed for people to accidentally click on them.

These business techniques will be invaluable to you, so start prepping if you already haven’t. The only person that is going to put this much work into your business is you, so it’s best to start getting busy!

What part struck you out the most of this article? Out of all the articles on Danjur, which ones do you go to the most?


  1. Cowboy722 says:

    There really is so much to consider now when starting a business. I wouldn’t even know where to begin, but thankfully my wife is going to be handling the social media/internet side of my business.

  2. sonia379 says:

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  3. Roger9 says:

    It’s a lot of work to keep up with all the social media sites out there, almost a full time job posting your news. It’s good that your wife can spend the time doing that part of it. Google+ seems to be moving along, at least according to my account and the advertising I get there.

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