How To Make Your Skype Advertisement Campaign Stand Out

Image by:Jody Morris
By Michael Sterling

Skype has brought a whole new meaning to conversation. Not only does it bring people together, but it allows them to connect in ways they never have before. If we truly want our Skype campaigns to land on top with consumers, we have to become a part of the magic.

A successful advertiser will tell you poignancy, relatability and resonance are key factors in marketing. By adding all these ingredients through the power of Skype, you will always see results.

Make Viewers Pay Attention

According to research, 54% of Skype’s 40 million concurrent users are under the age of 35. Things like games, images of couples kissing or getting proposed to, babies, and animals are always a good way to get someone to pay attention, but leave those YouTube. Think outside the box. Here are a few ideas to get started:

  • Describe Your Company In One Word – What do customers feel when they use your product? Gratitude? Excitement? Hope? Love? Activism? This needs to be the feeling your campaign.
  • Make Them Laugh & Cry – By giving sad situations a funny spin, you have more chances of sparking interest. For example, an image of a couple breaking up can be a freeze frame of a young woman punching her ex-boyfriend with the caption, “Break Ups Suck, Don’t They?” Something like this will make them relive old memories, while making them laugh at the same time.
  • Use Description To Hit All Markets – Make it clear who your business serves while also getting the focus from the young adult majority. For example, if your niche market is over the age of 50, try spinning your text around and describe your customers as “Mom” and “Dad.” This way the campaign will speak can relate to everyone.

Text & Content 

The founders of said the secret to their success wasn’t just content, but the title of their content. In just a year, Upworth saw millions of unique users gravitating towards their site due to the excitement their messages give off. A video called “Young Church Boy Sings Gospel” is less likely to be watched then one titled, “Meet The 10-Year Old Gospel Singing Sensation”

One principal is to never let your text finish itself. Leave the viewer to finish it, not by words, but by their imagination. Nike’s slogan “Just Do It” and McDonald’s “I’m Loving It,” for example, resonate with viewers because they give them room to think, which is the whole point in a successful campaign.

On Skype, people will see your campaign in mid conversation which makes your ad vulnerable to being judged. Make it intriguing to the eye, enough to where it distracts them from their screen. Most importantly, never let it turn into a “pitch.”

*Tip: Try coming up with a few slogans. Make them each 5 words or less. You might be surprised what you come up with. If it sparks intrigue, allows room for the imagination, and gives you goosebumps, chances are it will translate on screen. 

Incentives Show Results

For advertisers, Skype is a dream, but not because of the number of eyeballs. According to case studies, users are more likely to find advertising trustworthy and relevant on Skype compared to Facebook, website banners ads and YouTube video ads.

Skype’s new Conversation Ad unit tests the amount of users who say the name of the brand while their “in the conversation” online, and numbers have shown the more interactive the campaign is, the more likely the user is talk about and visit the site.

Such was the case for one of the world’s leading ice cram brands. The brand created an interactive game, hosted on its website and promoted in on Skype’s homepage and with its Conversation Ad. The goal was to get their target audience to play the game by using pop up incentives on different flavors of the hour.

After 2 weeks, the campaign reached 13 million people, 44% of those had clicked on the advertisement and 39% had played the game.