How Far Can This Couple Get Around the World?

By Richard K. Noots

This couple, while remaining nameless, have come up with an idea. After fifteen years of working in advertising and creative industries, their home of Johannesburg, South Africa had become boring. They needed a way to get the creative juices flowing. So, they quit their job, gathered up all their money and began to see the world. They’re halfway through their journey now, care to check it out?

Starting point!
1 start point

From Vienna …
2 vienna

To Abu Dhabi …
3 6292km abu dahbi

They’ll keep going until they can’t afford to.
4 austria

Here they are in Salzburg.
5 salzburg

With plenty of gorgeous houses in sight.
6 gorgeous houses

Can you guess where?
7 guess where

They’re never in one place long.
8 anif

Berlin must’ve been nice.
9 berlin

With a rest stop in Norway!
10 norway