Find Out How This Team Rescued a Labrador In Distress From Deep In the Forest

By Anne Cacherell

On the afternoon of July 2nd, 2015, Fraser, a 120-pound Labrador was rescued from Norvan Falls in Vancouver, BC. He wasn’t able to walk due to cuts on his paws and exhaustion. When passing hikers noticed that Fraser and his owner were in distress, they informed the staff at Lynn Headwaters. The staff reported the incident to North Shore Rescue, a volunteer mountain search and rescue team that provides life-saving service to the public 24/7.

Volunteers responded immediately and placed Fraser on a stretcher.



The exhausted Labrador has to be transported to the waiting helicopter about 3kms away. The chopper was donated by Peter Murray, owner of Talon’s Helicopter.





The North Shore Rescue team was able to take Fraser back to safety just before dark.





In situations like this, it is always best to contact and ask for the help of those who are well-trained in search and rescue operations. What precautionary measures do you suggest so that dog owners can avoid these things from happening? Tell us what’s on your mind.