Do You Like Things that Are Dangerous & Fun? Check Out This Massive Tree House!

By Anne Cacherell

Every kid’s ultimate dream is to have a tree house. The idea of climbing the tree, having their own personal space or territory and the connection with nature gives them some kind of unparalleled sense of adventure.

In 1993, a local minister in Crossville, Tennessee named Horace Burgess claimed to have had a visionary commandment from God to build a tree house. He said that God told him, “If you build a tree house, I’ll see that you’ll never run out of material.” Being a believer that he is, he began the construction.

Supported by 6 trees, the largest being a still-living 80-foot tall white oak tree, this structure is 4 stories high and has 80 rooms, making it the largest tree house in the world. Known to the public as Horace Burgess’s Tree house or the Minister’s Tree house, it has become a famous tourist attraction. Unfortunately, it was closed in 2012 by the state because it failed to meet the fire safety codes. Check out the video and enjoy the sight of this fanciful building.

The public is hoping that necessary changes will be made so that visitors and tourists may once again be allowed to have fun in this place. Did you have a tree house when you were a kid? Tell us what’s on your mind.