Culture Shocks Aside … Check Out This Former NBA Icon

By Charlie DeWitts

So, I need to appeal to the public on this one. Vice Sports recently did a cover on Stephon Marbury, who some might remember as one of the more … Rambunctious players of the Knicks. After his falling out with the NBA, he moved to China and gained … Some what of a cult following. I use that term literally. Watch the video, and tell us what you think. What makes Marbury so ecstatic about living in China? Is it a chance to play his favorite sport? Is it fame? Is it that dancing lady on his left? Perhaps it’s all just Chinese propaganda. You decide!


  1. ZeekStar22 says:

    Stephon Marbury? Wow, it has been awhile since I have heard that name. I am glad the guy seems to be getting his life in order and seems like he is happy. He really was a fabulous basketball talent. Yes, a ball hog, but talented.

  2. ToddBT2 says:

    Yes, this video kind of shocked me also. I was not so shocked that he went to China – why not? I was taken back by the strange behavior on YouTube. Although, it is nice to see that he seems to be doing well.

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