Could Facebook Be Dead & Buried In 2014?

Image by: Birger King
By Michael Sterling

Facebook has proven to be a trailblazing idea that has morphed a whole cultural shift among consumers. What was once merely a tool to stay in touch with your friends is now playing a major role in business marketing. But how much longer will it remain at the top? After all, not everything lasts forever.

Interesting discoveries among Facebook’s demographics have raised the question of the company’s future. Though they might be worth over a billion dollars, it seems like the younger generation is starting to get bored with it. Could this be the beginning of the end? Some experts seem to think so.

According to a recent study, after surveying over 8,000 teenagers, researcher Piper Jaffray discovered that Twitter is now their go-to source for social media being preferred by 26% of teens while Facebook was around 23%. Though many people might not see this is a big deal, in the grand scheme of things, this might be the beginning of a new strategy among business owners. Here’s why:

Teenagers Decide What’s Cool

According to a report based in the United Kingdom, 16 to 1-year olds are “embarrassed even to be associated” with Facebook. It seems like the problem has less to do with Facebook itself and more to do with the popularity. In other words, it’s become too mainstream for the cool kids to be a part of. Exclusivity is a thing of the past.

When Facebook’s growth exploded largely due to teenagers and college students, we quickly saw an influx of parents, grandparents, and teachers – the very people that teens were using Facebook to get away from. The report shows that teens are now using Facebook out of an obligation to stay in touch with family, rather than to keep up with friends.

When teenagers give their approval, it makes way for media outlets to cover it. Today’s culture is obsessed with youth, and most of us tend to want to side with whatever the “cool” thing is at the time. The results of Facebook’s third-quarter earnings call, in which it was revealed that daily Facebook use among teens have dropped, is proof of that.

Messaging Apps Are More Direct

Experts have been saying for years that teenagers have been preferring more direct forms of social interaction. The rise of such messaging apps such as WhatsApp and SnapChat (which traded around 150 million photos daily in 2013) have shown the quick transition of how our culture likes to communicate.

Though Facebook has downplayed the fact that their popularity may be dropping, investors are still worrying that other social media tools could drive down Facebook engagement, while adding revenue.

Overall, Facebook Still Is A Force

When it comes to engagement, Facebook has built-in a level of addiction and obsession unlike any other outlet. Around 48% of 18-34 year olds check Facebook right when they wake up. Surely, that’s a sign of what the world think of it.

As a business owner, it might give you comfort to know that Facebook is still a force in the world of marketing. 62% of online shoppers have read product comments their friends their friends shared on Facebook. 56% of online shoppers click on “Like” buttons related to products, this ultimately increases Facebook engagement for your business.

History has shown that the youngest generation is always the one that eventually reigns supreme. As they grow up, they become the ones with the money while the next generation becomes the one with the say-so. Though Facebook is guaranteed to be here for a while, will the decreasing popularity of it among teens eventually bring about its demise? Chances are we might find out in the next few years.