After Being Away For 2 1/2 Years, This Soldier Gave His Mom the Surprise Of Her Life

By Anne Cacherell

Blindfolds are used in many occasions to build an element of surprise and heighten the excitement. In this video, it served its purpose really well.

US Army E4 Specialist Ryan Gallimore, together with his sisters, staged a surprise for their mother during a family event in Thornton. To make things more exciting, his siblings blindfolded their mom and asked her to participate in the game where she would guess the family members by touching their faces. Reliant on just sound, touch and smell, this mother doesn’t need any more clues to identify the man in front of her. It only took her a few seconds to recognize her long lost son before she broke down in tears.

Ryan has not been home for 2 1/2 years since he was assigned in Germany in 2012.  Witness this emotional family reunion by watching the video.

Mothers of soldiers don’t know when their children would return. Do you find this video moving? Don’t hesitate to leave your comments below.