A Collection of Suitcases From a Mental Asylum Inspired This Art

By Charlie DeWitts

In 1995, Willard Psychiatric Center in Willard, NY finally closed it’s doors. It had been open for over 126 years, when it first admitted patients back in 1869. When it closed down, there were over 600 suitcases left over from people who had visited, but never left. So, when it came down to clean out the attic, Jon Crispin decided to document the occasion in a unique form of art. Take a look, it’s kind of weird to imagine what was going through these people’s heads …

A record and a bible …
A record and a bible

Are those curling irons?
curling irons

Family photos were so solemn back then.
Family photos were so solemn

I don’t know what any of that is.
I don't know what any of that is

Just in case.
Just in case

Now, that’s pretty sexy.
Now that's pretty sexy