7 Pictures From Sixties-Era High Schools That Will Change Your Perception

By Charlie DeWitts

Do you remember high school? I’m sure you do. The laughs, the kick ass clothing and the attractive women. The question is: Does high school fashion from a bygone era stack up to how kids dress today? Actually, the answer will surprise you. Teenagers in the sixties didn’t look that much different from today’s modern high schoolers. The only exception is everyone wanted to look older back then, and now everyone wants to look younger.


Kind of like today!
Kind of like today

What’s with the knee bandana?
Knee bandana

The name is Lenore Reday.
Lenore reday

These girls love the band.
loving the band

Mini Jupe Skirt
mini jupe skirty

This lady is Sandy Brockman
Sandy Brockman