5 Ways To Manage Office Cutbacks

Image by: Nemo
By Michael Sterling

Nowadays it seems that companies are getting more cut-throat when it comes to building their business. Every day, another competitor creeps into the horizon, forcing you to think on your feet. But don’t worry – the secret to success isn’t the “one-up” tactic, instead it lies in something much more valuable – your employees!

When you work with a staff that is productive, smart, and believes in the company, success will always blossom. Cutting back costs can be a great thing. It is more common today when you’re starting up a company, to have a tiny staff. You need to make ends meet somehow, right?  This is where great leadership comes in to play!

Here are five tips on making the most out of office cutbacks:

#1) Strengthen your communication skills

A small office will quickly become united. When that happens, they rely heavily on a leader to lead them. As an employer, don’t let them down! Don’t keep too many secrets – keep every body in “the know.” When a vision is clear, everyone works efficiently without confusion.

Know which employees learn quickly and which ones take a bit longer. Make yourself as articulate as possible, especially in blast emails, so that work can begin immediately with no delay. They will respect you much more for that because it makes their job easier. 

#2) Hear EVERYBODY out 

It is important to keep every one involved with big decisions regarding the company. With a small amount of people rowing the boat, it will greatly affect them. You never know what ideas they may have – the most successful of people reached the top by starting at the very bottom.

Your company will see immediate results when the staff feels a part of a group. As a business owner, you must unite your team – that’s the only way you can win. Make them feel like it is more than just a job. It’s friendship, loyalty, and respect. When you have a boss that treats you with respect, it allows for trust to build. Become involved in their lives – know the names of their kids, their wife/husband, etc.

#3) Increase the employee morale

This can be creative. Financial times are tough nowadays, and planning an outing can be cheap and will always build positive energy. Things like bowling nights, movie nights, Friday night happy hours, even karaoke nights can all be worthwhile in the long run.

Make sure your management style doesn’t become a dictatorship! I’ve seen it time and again. Employers who have the idea that by acting tough and talking sternly, they produce better results. Wrong! It will increase resentment in the office which will lead to a decline of productivity. Keep the smile on your face, and make it contagious! Lead by example! 

#4) Watch the budget

Be sure to watch where the money is going. There are so many small business discount networks that are free to join, and have coupons for office supplies, hotels, and even rental cars if you require that. Abnsave.com is a great one. Eventually, the money you save will add up. Know what’s important and what’s not!

If you can afford to hire an accountant, work beside them. Gain knowledge of how the company is spending money. This can be a crucial factor when making future decisions, later on.

#5) Learn everyone’s strengths and weaknesses

When you know who can do what the best or worst, it allows for a better flow of role assignments. People will instantly know who can handle a certain task, and productivity will be the priority. Support people who are insecure about their weaknesses, remind them that what they possess, others lack – and vice versa. Be a motivator, not an aggressor.

And whatever you do, be sure to watch out for employees who act authoritatively towards others. Nobody likes to work with a person who abuses their power. It is your job to make sure everyone in the office is happy and content with their status. Be the person that they feel comfortable with talking to about anything.