4 Ways to Compose Engaging Customer Interactions

Image by: relexahotels
By Dexter Lunde

Customers come and go in your stores and on your website. They visit, sometimes they buy something, and then they leave. For most people, that’s exactly what a customer experience is like going into any store. But if you can create a connection with those customers before they leave your store, they will be more likely to come back, stay longer, and buy something. That’s how you can make a loyal customer out of a first-timer.

So how can you do this in your store and how do you do this online – when you can’t even meet with them face to face? Social media has made it easier for you to be able to put a face on your brand (your face and the face of your team to be more specific) but is that all it takes to create an engaging experience for your customers? No. Sorry. That was pretty blunt, wasn’t it? If only it was that easy.

There are a few ways that you can create an engaging experience. Let’s explore them.

#1) Online Customization

Online customization is huge these days. You can go onto a shoe, hat, or headphones website and create your own custom designs that you can order and receive in the mail. For a great example, check out Optimo Hats. It’s a great website that allows you to create your very own design on customizable hats. Adidas does the same thing with their shoes and so do dozens of other types of sites out there.

#2) Choose Your Own Adventure

Do you remember the old “Choose Your Own Adventure” books from elementary school? You would read a few pages and then be given a choice.

“If you choose to try and kill the alien with a Bowie knife, go to page 342. If you want to knit it a sweater and ask for peace, go to page 281.”

Well in websites, like Captain Dash, you get that exact choice. Well, maybe not so exact. This website is unique in the fact that the website plays on the name “Captain” Dash and goes with the whole spaceship thing. The website is so plain (white background and black text) that you zero-in and focus on the story and the text itself. Nothing to distract you. Just content. And it is interactive content to boot.

#3) Fish for Passion on Social Media

When you’re looking to generate interactive and engaging responses on social media, you have to go emotional. Most people suggest doing things that will elicit a positive response (laugher and happiness) but sometimes it’s not enough. Remember that there are a range of emotions to explore.

You don’t have to pick something that will just generate smiles. Mainly because sometimes that response will elicit an indifferent response from people who are more jaded (and who are already angry).

Look into the news, look first into the news that centers on your particular field and market. If that’s tapped out for the day, then reach out further until you find something that will elicit a response from your audience. Something guttural and emotional.

#4) Multi-Sensory Experience

First thing’s first, don’t have your audience start off with audio. No, it must be visual. Pictures and text (yes, visual language is important too – typography, phrasing, word choice, color, how it sits on the page, etc.) first. Also engage your audience with video when acceptable and with that will come sound. If you must put sound on your page, don’t startle your audience with it. Subtly is the important. Don’t overload their senses. Just play to them.

Now it’s your turn. How do you engage with your customers in your storefront or out in public? How do you get your customers engaged on your website? How have other companies engaged you on their website? Share your experiences with the other readers. Write your thoughts, ideas, and questions in the comment section below.