4 Ways to Avoid Being the Boss No One Likes

Image by: By Gage Skidmore
By Richard K. Noots

Being the boss is a huge amount of responsibility. Whether you just recently got promoted at your local job, high up on the corporate ladder or own your business, having to manage employees can be a tough gig for even the most skilled. Despite knowing this, you’ve stepped up to the plate. As such, a good boss should always be learning how to improve themselves and their companies. So think back to a time when you were terribly mismanaged; what would you do differently?

With that in mind, Danjur has some good pieces of advice that will help you on the road to managerial success. So sit down and get ready, it’s time for your job training!

#1) Be Reasonable

It’s easy to forget where you came from once you’ve moved on to bigger and better prospects. That also means it becomes less and less likely to see from your employee’s perspective. When you set goals make sure you keep them in line with what a person is actually capable of. You want to make sure the plans and ideas you set up are agreeable with your staff as well. This includes things like meetings or new business prospects. The only thing people hate more than long meetings are long, pointless meetings.

When there are issues involving your team, let them handle it. Intervene as necessary, but you want to give them a chance to grow on there own. Whenever something bad happens, give them the chance to explain and have the empathy to at least hear them out. Remember, no one likes a nag either.

#2) Talk to Your Employees!

Are you in your office all day making memos or sending emails? Only concerning yourself with the bottom-line and pay roll? Well, stop. First off, you should have people who deal with those aspects, but we’ll get to the later. As a boss, you need to be out there, getting to know the people you’ve hired. This means you should immerse yourself in the work environment. Learn their names, their stories and any ideas they may have about they way things are running.

I’ve mentioned similar sentiments before, but allow me to expand. You want to lead by example here. Don’t do all of your work by yourself cooped up somewhere. Go out and help your employees with their jobs. This is a “get your hands dirty” sort of prospect. If your workers see you interacting with others and actually building meaningful relationships, not only will they like you more; they’ll also work with each other better. You’re attempting to build a community.

#3) Learn to Delegate

Another problem with bosses is their inability to trust. They’ll get frustrated when they have too much work and nothing gets done. They’ll get mad when people don’t know what to do, yet never give them a chance to learn new responsibilities. You need to be different here. Let your employees have opportunities to learn new job skills and get rewarded for it. Oh, and the best rewards are money. Not gift cards from a store that gives your company a discount.

I remember being an employee frustrated with my bosses. They were always mad or stressed about some issue, and never seemed to go beyond a casual “good job” when the impossible was made probable by A-list employees. This in turned led to the same amount of work being given, but still no extra responsibilities that could lead into better promotions. In turn, I began to get more and lazy at work because I wasn’t being challenged or offered new prospects.

#4) Pick Your Battles

Not every issue is worth blood, sweat and tears. Handle things calmly, and don’t get angry. It won’t solve anything. The best thing to keep in mind is your company will survive. Especially if your employees are happy. They’re the ones who make your customers happy. When it’s time for you to stand up and fight, you’ll know. If you keep your managerial duties in order though, you can take comfort that the fault won’t be on your end.

Accomplishing this won’t be an easy battle. You don’t want your employees to not take you seriously either. However, if you keep these tips in mind and are actually decent at your job you won’t have that issue. There’s always room to learn and grow. Show your workers you believe and trust them and you’ll be rewarded ten-fold.

Have you been a boss before? What were the hardest things to keep in mind? Did you find yourself biting off more than you can chew in attempt to keep everyone happy? Share your stories below!