4 Important Considerations When Buying A Suit

Image by: Steve & Jemma Copley
By Phillip K. Issa

We’ve all purchased a suit (or three) in our time on this giant mud ball called Earth. But swiping your card at the register is the easy part. The real meat of it all is, how successful were you in getting the best in fit and finish?

I’m not trying to get all up in your business or anything, but did you ask all the right questions? Did you say the right things? The quality and life of the next suit your purchase is depending on it.

Below, you will find four nuggets of wisdom that will will help you get the best fit, secure the most suit for the money and, well, improve your life just that much more. Ladies love a nice suit. Ready? Good.

1 – Pocket Watch

Does the suit you’re considering have extra inside pockets for watches, cell phones, etc.? That’s great, but if they aren’t sewn into the lining than you are opening yourself up to the possibility that over time, these areas will start to lose shape.

And you will be left with handy pockets … in a less-than-perfect jacket.

2 – Double Pits To Chesty

When it comes time to choose what material your chest piece will be made of, think cool cotton. The fabric will keep you cooler for sure. However, cotton doesn’t last as long as finer cloth options such as horsehair.

3 – Is It Italian? Go For It

The land of exotic, overly dramatic soccer games and amazingly fine wine also makes some of the world’s best suits. How do you think all of those wrinkly old Italian men keep scoring with these fine young things?

It’s the suits, of course. And the Ferraris, possibly. Oh, and also the wine.

4 – Keep ‘Em Separated

Just because the jacket and pants comes as a set, that doesn’t mean that you are locked into the pair. Talk with the sales associate and break up the party, and mix and match better fitting items. Compromise is the key to failure here.

Don’t let traditional sales methods keep you from getting the best for you closet.