11 More Old-Timey Photos That Will Blow Your Mind

By Richard K. Noots

We’ve already done a spread on photos from the olden days, but we had so many we figured we’d give you another taste here at Danjur. Some are just as weird, and others are even more weird. I must say, it doesn’t look half bad to be born in the time of Polio. Let us know if you would like to see more!

Hitler Practicing For His Speeches in 1925
hitler practicing 1925

Some light bed reading.
light bed reading

No more than six inches above the knee!
No more than six inches above the knee

This Motor-unicycle could go up to 93MPH, and it was built in 1931.
one wheel motorcycle 1921 93mph

Sun protection or Silence of the Lambs?
Protecting face from sun

Public book problem for the sick.
public book program for the sick

Seeing if it’s a tipping hazard.
Seeing if it's a tipping hazard

Sunlight cage for babies?
sunlight cage

This was a cigarette ad …
This was a cigarette ad

Zipline couple!
zipline couple

The Isolator
The Eliminator!