Are “Muscle Growth Supplements” Legit?

Image by: Bruce By Jake Bradshaw We all want to believe in a magic pill that changes our body from flab to fab in a matter of weeks. The before and after pictures alone are enough to make you want to click the purchase button. But do these products really work or are they just a…

Is Creatine Still Effective In 2013?

Image by: Chris Hunkeler By Will Rand Creatine supplements have been around for decades, and if you’re a serious weight lifter or athlete you’ve probably considered using creatine at one point. The majority of creatine users and potential users don’t really know much about it besides what they hear from others, “creatine gives you water…

Protein, Glutamine & Creatine: What Are They?

Image by: d_vdm By Jake Bradshaw You won’t be the only person at the gym who doesn’t know about these three supplements. We hear from trainers all the time – both on television and at the gym – to take these protein boosters to gain muscle. With names like these, it is always difficult to…