What Does it Really Mean to Be a Man?

By Richard K. Noots Sexism, racism, and all other “isms” run rampant in our world. We can’t avoid stereotypes, judgments, first impressions and implications in a society like ours. So, when someone says the phrase Be a Man, how does it make you feel? Others might feel challenged, while some may be offended. In a world where the differences between genders…

Think All Cops are Evil? Just Take a Look at This One

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yyHvhof0ls By Richard K. Noots Officer Cropper was just doing his duty: He caught a man speeding, so he pulled him over. The only problem was, once he got face-to-face with the man, he noticed that the speeder’s face was blue! Without hesitation, the officer begins to administer first aid in an attempt to resuscitate him. When it…

Men, You Probably Don’t Want to Act Like This When You Get Divorced

By Richard K. Noots No one wants to go through the tragedy that is divorce, yet sometimes it’s unavoidable. The only thing you can hope for in that situation is that you can remain peaceful amidst discussion of belongings. The pictures that follow are what happens when someone is ordered to ‘split the possessions in half‘ with…

This Parking Lot Has a Small Case of Terrible Parenting Going On

By Richard K. Noots If you’re a parent, how would you react to seeing a child left in a vehicle by himself? In the case of Mark Hermann, he pushed ‘Record’ on his phone and began to take a video, which included a small, verbal altercation with the absentee parent. Unfortunately, this video is no longer available. However, we do have…

Some People Think This May Be the End of Evolution

By Richard K. Noots We live in an age where we may just live to see one hundred and twenty. Prosthetic limbs are an example of something that may be outdated as science moves forward. New studies, like these bionic limbs Les Baugh is testing out, could be how we continue to exist for years…