It Hurts! 5 Ways to Erase Back Pain after an Intense Workout

Image by: Samantha Evans By George Lamb Back pain after workouts can be both excruciating and devastating to your workout routine and the your daily life routine required to get through life. It’s tough to get out of bed, it limits your options in the gym, and perhaps worst of all it can have a…

5 Of the Biggest Traps to Avoid When Starting a New Diet Plan

Image by: LocalFitness By George Lamb Starting a new diet plan may prove to be quite a scary experience, especially when you’re first starting out. Giving up pizza, candy, soda and delicious pastries may seem virtually impossible, but before committing yourself to an effective diet plan it is essential that you do whatever it takes…

Can’t Break Past a Plateau? 3 Tricks You Need to Know to Get Out of a Rut

Image by: istolethetv By  George Lamb So the dreaded plateau has finally come to surface, hindering your advancement in the fine art of ‘making gains‘. Well, don’t worry, anybody who parades around with a great physique will probably give you horror stories about the invisible walls that had been built in the weight room. Yes…