5 Things to Learn from Dan Yoo, Former LinkedIn Guru

Image by: dasprid By Dexter Lunde Dan Yoo seemed to have it all. I mean, he did create LinkedIn and led their business operations, strategy and analytics teams. This is probably why his choice to move “forward” with a start-up company instead of staying at the prestigious networking company surprised everyone. Why did he choose…

Words of Inspiration from Successful Businessmen for 2014

Image by: Gail By Dexter Lunde Where would we be without the pioneers of business who were before us? Not only did they lay the groundwork for us to become successful, they are also available to lend us a hand – even if it’s only in the form of some wonderful advice. Below are some…

5 Marketing Lessons Hollywood Teaches Us About “Going Viral”

Image by: minnemom By Michael Sterling Marketers today are changing the rules on a daily basis, especially when it comes to promoting brands and products. It’s becoming more and more difficult for consumers to remember anything which is why it’s always a good idea to go directly to the source of entertainment: Hollywood. Here are…

10 Motivational Quotes For Students In Business School

Image by: Franciscan University By Michael Sterling It’s tough to make it in business today. The methodology has changed so drastically even within the last five years that it’s hard to keep up with your peers who are equally as passionate and equally as talented as you. To thrive high in this world, the last…

5 Important Consumer Trends That Could Influence Your Small Business Ideas

Image by: DC Central Kitchen By Michael Sterling 2013 has seen a lot of small business trends that have created a plethora of opportunities for entrepreneurs. With so many ways of communication, consumers have a much louder voice. They’re not just “people who buy products” anymore. They make it clear which businesses are worth their…

5 Successful Learning Styles E-Commerce Entrepreneurs Share

Image by: Victor1558 By Michael Sterling It’s easier now than ever to start a business. With a simple domain and a great platform, you are now an “entrepreneur.” But it takes more than a great idea to become a success, in fact, the idea of learning as you go has never rang more true than…